Explore England


Cambridge Attractions

St. John's College
Visit St. John's College, one of the historic colleges of the University of Cambridge
Prices: Adults: £10, Children: Free

The Centre for Computing History
Discover the history of computing at The Centre for Computing History
Prices: Adults: £8, Children: £6

Cambridge Science Centre
Enjoy interactive science exhibits and activities at Cambridge Science Centre
Prices: Adults: £6, Children: £4

The Polar Museum
Discover polar exploration history at The Polar Museum in Cambridge
Prices: Adults: £5, Children: Free

King's College Chapel
Admire the architectural beauty of King's College Chapel in Cambridge
Prices: Adults: £10, Children: Free

Parker's Piece
Relax at Parker's Piece, a historic park in the heart of Cambridge
Prices: Free

Punting on the River Cam
Enjoy a leisurely punt on the River Cam, a quintessential Cambridge experience
Prices: Prices vary by provider

Fitzwilliam Museum
Discover art and antiques at the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge
Prices: Free

Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Explore the beautiful Cambridge University Botanic Garden
Prices: Adults: £7.50, Children: Free

Please note that prices, opening times, and other details are subject to change, so it's a good idea to check the provided URLs for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.