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Exploring the Rich History of Exeter, Devon

Exeter, a vibrant and historic city in Devon, has a captivating past that stretches back over two thousand years. This article takes you on a journey thru time, delving into the fascinating history of Exeter. From its Roman origins to the modern city it is today, Exeter's history is a tapestry of events, people, and architectural marvels that have left an indelible mark on this charming part of Devon.

The Roman Beginnings

Exeter, known as Isca in Roman times, was established by the Romans in AD 55 as a fortress for the Second Augustan Legion. The remains of the Roman city walls and baths can still be seen today, providing a glimpse into Exeter's early history as a significant Roman settlement in Britannia.

Exeter Cathedral: A Magnificent Ikon

Exeter Cathedral, officially known as the Cathedral Church of Saint Peter at Exeter, is one of the city's most ikonic landmarks. The cathedral's construction began in the early 12th century, and it represents a remarkable example of Gothic architecture. With its soaring towers and intricate stonework, Exeter Cathedral is a testament to the city's religious and architectural heritage.

For visitor information and events at Exeter Cathedral, visit the Exeter Cathedral website.

The Mediaeval Era and the Guildhall

During the mediaeval period, Exeter prospered as a centre of trade and commerce. The Exeter Guildhall, constructed in the 15th century, is a historic gem that reflects the city's mediaeval heritage. It remains one of the oldest municipal buildings in England and continues to serve as the seat of local government. Visitors can explore its stunning architecture and learn about its role in Exeter's history.

Learn more about the Exeter Guildhall on the Exeter City Council website.

The Exeter Blitz: World War II

Exeter was not immune to the ravages of World War II. The city experienced a series of devastating air raids by the German Luftwaffe during the Exeter Blitz. Much of the city's historic centre was destroyed or damaged, including many mediaeval buildings. Despite these hardships, Exeter's resilience shone thru as the city was rebuilt, preserving its historic core and architectural character.

Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery

The Royal Albert Memorial Museum and Art Gallery, often referred to as RAMM, is a cultural treasure trove in Exeter. This museum showcases a diverse range of artefacts and artworks, spanning from natural history and archaeology to fine and decorative arts. It offers insights into the city's heritage and global history, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts.

Explore current exhibitions and events at the Royal Albert Memorial Museum website.

Exeter's Maritime Legacy and the Quayside

Exeter's history is closely tied to its maritime connexions, and the Exeter Quayside is a testament to this legacy. The quayside area has been a hub of activity for centuries, serving as a trading port and a transportation centre. Today, it offers a delightful blend of historic charm and modern amenities, including shops, restaurants, and cultural spaces.

For information about events and attractions on the Exeter Quayside, visit the Exeter Quay website.

Historic Houses and Gardens

Exeter and its surroundings boast a collection of historic houses and gardens that provide a window into the city's past. Places like Powderham Castle and Killerton House offer visitors the opportunity to explore grand estates, beautiful gardens, and the storeys of the families that once resided there.

Plan your visit and explore the history of these properties on their respective websites: Powderham Castle and Killerton House.

Conclusion: A City of Timeless Heritage

Exeter's history is a captivating journey thru time, from its Roman origins to its status as a thriving modern city. Its historic landmarks, including the cathedral, the Exeter Guildhall, and the quayside, offer visitors a chance to connect with the city's rich heritage. As Exeter continues to evolve and grow, its history remains a source of pride and inspiration, ensuring that the legacy of this remarkable city endures for generations to come.

This article provides a glimpse into the history of Exeter, but there are many more storeys and details waiting to be discovered for those with a keen interest in the city's heritage.